This site is designed to be a basic introduction to the Bible by simply reading it. I have chosen the books of John and Ephesians. The frontpage contains a message to invite people into the faith, the next page is an introduction to John, there is an introduction to Ephesians (which you can easily reach from the site index), and the afterward (which you can also easily reach from the site index) contains links for further reading, an invitation to read more of the Bible, and an exhortation to come to Christ. The frontpage and the introductions to John and Ephesians and the afterword are all written by myself.

Since the purpose of this site is to let God's Word speak for itself and remove all human boundaries, there are a few specific decisions that I have made regarding its design.

  • I have removed verse numbers and notes to make reading easier.
  • You may have noticed how primitive this website appears. That is by design. In the interest of making this easy, I have intentionally made this website simple. There is no JavaScript on this site, no cookies, and no backend processing-- It's simply static HTML and CSS. This is because JavaScript very often becomes distracting for the reader and the extra processing slows down browsing. This is particularly difficult for people with low-end cell phones or anyone that has to send their web traffic through an anonymizing network like Tor to avoid authoritarian governments. I don't want anything to stand in the way of or distract someone from reading the Bible.
  • There is not and likely never will be any paid advertising of any kind.

This site is intended to be shared. The URL is easy to remember, and a QR code may be coming for printing onto cards for sharing, if there is any interest. The complete contents of the site, apart from this page and the site index, can be viewed on one printable page (almost 50 pages) here. You are more than welcome to shout this from the rooftops.

Now for a quick word on the translation being used. I am currently using the World English Bible translation because it's a modern-language version that's public domain, but if there's much interest in the site, I may contact Crossway to look into paying for the rights to use the ESV version.